Skewing the results

Posted in Uncategorized on November 1st, 2010 by Felicia

We were asked for us and Aman to participate in a nation-wide study of Kindergartners and our interview was this morning. The nice lady asked a bunch of questions about Aman’s background, our background, and what we consider important for Aman to know. I think we will end up skewing the numbers. Yes, we gave the limited information we have on his birth family. No, we were too busy working on bonding instead of making sure he could count to 30 before starting Kindergarten. No, I don’t believe food stamps or WIC were available to him in Ethiopia, but since I can’t say for sure, I’ll just answer “don’t know.” LOL!

We are very happy with his progress. When he came home in June, he could sing the alphabet, but only recognized A, B and C. He could count to 10 or 15 (depending on his mood), but he did not recognize numbers. His teachers told us that he’s testing right at the class average. Average is average, but since he’s only been exposed to this stuff a few short months, we think it’s pretty fantastic. He can write all of his upper case letters, and most of his lower case. He can write his name. He can also write numbers up to 29! Amazing.

Serawit is catching on as well. She can pick out letters that show up in her name. She’s also recognizing numbers.

We’re so proud of both of them!