You better climb that tree!

Today the kids did not have school, and I was off work, so I planned a trip to Eckert’s to go apple picking and my niece joined us. A few days ago I told them what we were doing, and they were excited. Just recently, they decided they liked apples. As we got closer to the date, however, both Aman and Serawit started telling me they did not want to go. It took a little while, but I figured out they did not want to go because they learned in school that apples grow on trees, and they thought I was going to make them climb a tree. Serawit told me that she can’t climb trees, but Aman can. I tried to tell them they were little trees, but they did not believe me until we got there. Then they decided apple picking was fun, especially if they can eat an apple while they are picking others.

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