Oh my goodness, it’s been a week.

The next day Aman was doing much better.  I went to lunch with my boss and a co-worker and came back to work to a shower for the kids that included cake and some very generous presents.  The kids didn’t seem to like cake the last time we gave it to them, but this time Aman ate two pieces.  My co-workers think that’s why he threw up later, but I think he really had a 24 hour bug and just hadn’t gotten rid of it yet.  Serawit also ended up getting the same thing on Saturday (threw up in the car on the way to go swimming – whoo hoo!), but she is also feeling much better.

Adam went back to work this week.  I think we did just fine.  The kids were a little confused at first, but I think they got it.  I kept them busy, and if we were at home, quiet.

Yesterday we went to my aunt and uncle’s house.  My cousins painted these really cool prints of Spongebob, Mickey and Minny Mouse, and their names.  I can’t wait until we can get their beds bunked, so we can find places to put them on the wall.

Had a few firsts last week – easier to just list them.

- First time kids went to “Kids’ Church” during our church service.  They did just fine.

- Serawit got enrolled into preschool through the school district.  She’ll be going Monday through Thursday in the afternoons. Have to wait until August 2 to enroll Aman.

- First time at Chuck E. Cheese – luckily it was not too crowded.  Aman liked riding the mechanical horse, and having his picture taken for cards.  Serawit loved the egg game.  They did not get the ticket : present concept, and I was cool with keeping it that way.

- Did Serawit’s hair in two finger twists for the first time.  I think it came out cute.

- Their first Jimmy John’s.  Aman loved it – he’s getting a whole sandwich next time.  Serawit took two bites of her half, pulled the turkey and cheese out, and ate the rest with just lettuce and mayo.  Oh well.

- First time at City Garden after the shower and before Aman got sick.  They loved both the sprinklers, and the pool.

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