School started???

We have been barely home 2 months, and now we had to say good bye to controlling every aspect of their environment as we send them off to school.  Most families have 3-4 years to prepare for this – we had 2 months.  Wow.

Our son had his first day and for our daughter we met her teacher and spent an hour in the classroom and talked to her teachers.  All in all they had a good time. We got a call at home right before leaving to pick up our son and the caller ID identified the school district.  Adam and I both said “oh no what did he do or what did we forget” as Adam picked up the phone.  It was the ELL teacher telling us she observed him for a little bit and he seemed to be understanding the teacher and raising his hand at the appropriate time.  She also walked him to our car when he was dismissed.  That was so sweet!

Tomorrow, both kids go their full schedule.  Hope it goes as well as it did today.

2 Responses to “School started???”

  1. Bev Huber Says:

    This is SO awesome!! I’m so THRILLED for you all!!! It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about your adventure through all of this and the happiness the four of you have found together!!!

    Love Bev

  2. Bev Huber Says:

    I just looked at the professional photos!! They are AMAZING!!! I’d love to have one of the four of you on the floor!!!! If you wouldn’t mind!! That’s my favorite!! The kids look fantastic!!!

    You were MADE to be a Mom, Felicia, you fell right into the role like they were born to you!!! You are an AWESOME woman!!!

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